Dominique Tarlé - Mick's Mouth
Titre : Dominique Tarlé - Mick's Mouth
Édition : Limitée à 25 exemplaires
Certificat : Un certificat d’authenticité signé par l’artiste est délivré
Dimension : 128 x 95cm
Prix : Sur Demande
Biographie :
Dominique Tarlé moved to London from France in 1968 with the goal of photographing bands. He worked with Led Zeppelin and Mick Jagger before they were household names.
Tarlé is best known for photographing The Rolling Stones during the band’s tax exile in the south of France in 1971. He documented the musicians’ creative process and recorded their private, family-focused lives, rather than their lavish lifestyles, showing a new, previously unseen side of the group.
He photographed the making of the album Exile on Main Street(1972) through a borderline voyeuristic lens, capturing rock ’n’ roll icons recording a famous record amid chaos.